Do you know the feeling of being all head and no body? We’re so busy trying to get everything done in less time, and while that may be an admirable skill, it doesn’t do anything for our inner connection, our sensual fulfillment, the experience of bodily pleasure or for our sense of relaxation. Suddenly we may find ourselves completely drained, no energy, no feeling of aliveness and not much enjoyment.

What if you filled your tank before you ran out?

We both know there’s more to life than running from A to B. And I know you deserve a life with more love, presence and pleasure. A life in connection with you and with whatever is most important to you. To find out what that is you need to slow down, even if it’s just for a few hours.

I will help you become more present and connected to your body so you can experience more joy, energy, pleasure and benefit from a sense of wellbeing in daily life. From here you can live more authentically, true to your own values.

You are welcome here

You will be received with a smile and an open heart no matter your age, height, weight, gender, nationality or religion. It’s my wish for you that your visit may enrich your life and your soul. May it help you to feel - and be more truthful towards - yourself and your needs, and find a peaceful space in a world that is spinning way too fast.

The choice is yours

I offer tantra massage sessions of 2, 2,5 or 3,5 hrs duration. This includes time for arriving, initial talk, shower before/after the massage, integration after the massage, finishing talk and getting dressed. 

Below you can read more about tantra massage for men, women or couples. 

You can read more about tantra massage Copenhagen here.

Tantra massage for men

Tantramassage mænd

Read more about tantra massage for men here.

Tantra massage for women

Tantramassage kvinder

Read more about tantra massage for women here.

Tantric massage for couples

Tantric massage for couples, Tantramassage for par, tantra for par, tantra for couples

Read more about tantric massage for couples here.